There are more then 300.000 homeless people in the UK. Equivalent to 1 in every 200...

Statistics show that more than 30,000 young people are confronting homelessness this winter...

Help us be better for vulnerable & disadvantaged young people when they call...


women inspire women

what we do

Women Inspire Women is a non-profit organisation in the United Kingdom which provides education, accommodation and support to disadvantage people aged starts from 16 year old

The Difference We Make

we love you as you are

Our Vision

We are Women Inspire Women. Our goal is to Inspire, Empower & Support disadvantaged people starting from 16 years old, our members and newcomers to our community.

We’re visionaries and we want to help you to see the big picture of your success. We want to show you that you can have your own remarkable visions.

Our Mission

Believe in your ability to get things done. Confidence is important. Confidence is something that you can work on. We’re ready to help you to succeed in it.

It is our mission to show you that your failures are simply learning opportunities and you must always strive for continuous self-improvement. Push yourselves assiduously and you’ll become stronger and more confident.

Our Values

We want you to live a life of integrity, dignity, and respect. We want to build self-confidence in you and our team. 

Our core values – humanity, openness, love, goodness, encouragement, and pride in our organisation work – guide us to ensure that the ethics and aspirations we promote are aligned with the greatest expectation of our members and newcomers.

More About Us

We believe in free education and helping people turn their dreams into reality. Women Inspire Women ambition is to encourage young women and man into business and empower them to become independent and equip them to find better job opportunities. Our first enterprise is “WIW Inspire Hair & Beauty Salon”. Next Enterprise will be “WIW Inspire Hair & Beauty Academy” A project that will provide a better future for future generations within our community.

WIW International Women’s Group – We work together with the community for the community to support, encourage and most importantly – INSPIRE – one another.

We believe strong women build strong families and strong communities. 

WIW International Women’s Group is about inspiring and empowering each other through business and networking and fulfilling and harnessing one’s potential. We have 869 women members mainly in Enfield North London. 

You can follow and like us on Facebook.


WIW Inspire Academy –  The aim of the academy is to set up an extensive training programe for young women and men who are over 16 years old and want to get NVQ level qualifications in Hair & Beauty.

  • Courses will be free because we believe, people should reach the education freely; between people and education shouldn’t be any barrier. 
  • WIW Inspire Salon will support the Academy. 
  • We also hope to raise awareness of health and safety and law as it pertains to the industry and increase the confidence of young women and men.
  • We would like to fill the requirements and needs of employers needing staff in this sector. 

We believe every each of our projects has their own fairytale characters. If you are feeling that you are one of them, COME and JOIN US

WIW Inspire Talk – The aim of Inspire Talk is to integrate and formulate communities together. On a weekly basis, we run live programmes, which involve interviewing young successful entrepreneurs, celebrities, artists and politicians.

WIW Inspire Salon – When you come to our Salon, you feel like a Cinderella and you live like a princess.

The aim of our salon is to give real business opportunities to women and men of all ages and backgrounds and also in turn the salon will support the Academy. We were successful through a list of over 100 aplicants with Transport for London to get the premises to start up the Hair & Beauty Salon by Southgate Station. We lauched our first enterprise WIW Inspire Salon at 09/06/2017 and we offer a very professional service in hair and beauty. We lowered our prices not to compete with other Hair & Beauty Salons and our aim is to help the community, especially women who can get their services at affordable prices.

our partners

We share with our partners the same passion and commitment to supporting disadvantaged young adults.